Thursday, Nov 28, 2019


GitLab provides the perfect platform for managing code, CI and containers from development to production. Terraform is the defacto champion of Infrastructure as Code and provisioning. AWS is the leader in Infrastructure as a Service. In this talk, I will introduce the audience to a complete pipeline to build and transfer applications from GitLab to AWS using Terraform, GitLab CI and a whole range of other internal GitLab tools.


In this session we will start with the premise of the single project repo, however, this repo has a number of aspects to it including building software, provisioning and managing infrastructure and controlling the release and build of packages. It gives an insight into working collaboratively inside GitLab bringing teams closer to each other with the common goal of releasing an interface (software).

There is no requirement to know GitLab, GitLab CI, Terraform or AWS deeply, however, an understanding of the products means that we can concentrate more on the process which delivers the greatest value. Along the way we will use GitLab CI to:

  1. Lint
  2. Build
  3. Test
  4. Secure
  5. Package
  6. Validate
  7. Plan
  8. Deploy
  9. Destroy

Controlling the entire lifecycle of a single project from initiation to delivery and interaction with the whole team.

