Like any digital business, we’ve got a lot of online acccounts. And all of these online accounts have a password. Sometimes each member of our team has an account. And sometimes we need to share passwords securely between team mambers to share an account. That’s a lot of usernames and passwords. In fact we don’t even know how many we have.

Luckily, we don’t need to. That’s what password managers such as LastPass and OnePassword were invented for. If you aren’t using one, you probably should be, although there is an argument that you’re putting rather a lot of faith in their software. We’re of the opinion, however, that their security is likely to be better than ours, and that using a password manager to create different and secure passwords for all of our accounts is better than using similar passwords to enable us to remember them.

Our password manager of choice was Mitro, mainly because it was open-source. We feel more comfortable as a business trusting open-source code that we can see has been worked on closely by a community of talented developers. It was also really easy to use and to share passwords within our team, and best of all, it had a free tier which still had team sharing features.

However, about a year ago, Twitter bought Mitro, and at the end of August it closed the service. Which was very disappointing. Fortunately, open source projects that are considered useful by the community rarely die off completely, and Mitro was no exception.

A group of users forked it and named the new version Passopolis, and we’ve migrated straight over to it. At the moment, it’s running along pretty much the same lines that Mitro did, but we can’t wait to see where they take it in the future. But we’d definitely recommend giving Passopolis a go. If you already use another password manager, but think you might prefer it, then you can easily export all of your usernames and passwords into Passopolis via text file.